1. Cooperating with public and private institutions and establishing a partnership designed to develop the city of Aqaba as the greatest tourist destination
2. Providing various institutions with sufficient and necessary cadres to achieve the integrated goals of development
3. Developing the tourism awareness and the foundations of hospitality among community members to enable them benefit from the development of tourism
4-Conducting scientific and practical consultancy studies aiming at developing the sector of tourism particularly in Aqaba and the region in general.
5. Keeping up to date with the developments and trends in all tourist areas through:
a) Dispatching outstanding graduates to European countries and America to obtain the best cultures and science in the tourism and hospitality areas in order to improve the continuity of the goals of the Faculty and the levels of its specializations
b) Providing the international sources and references
c) Developing the regional and international interaction programs in tourism and hospitality with regional and international institutions and universities
d) Achieving international accreditation and maintaining the continuity of this level
e) Raising the interest in the development of international language skills of its students and workers in the community as the basis for interaction at the international level in the tourism and hospitality fields
f) Establishing a special building for the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality that includes all necessary means to improve the academic areas and training