This course covers the concept of travel and tourism and its historical development. It explains the concept of leisure and recreation, the definitions of tourism, tourist and visitor, and the motives of tourists for travel. It deals with the types of tourism and the various factors leading to the establishment of tourism industry. The course analyzes the development in tourism superstructures, such as hotels and transportation. It demonstrates the relationship between tourism, safety and security. It explains tourism effects, tourism planning, tourism marketing and tourism relations with the local communities. It reviews World Tourism Territories with an emphasis on inter-Arab tourism and the study of Jordan's tourism industry as a model.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This module describes the importance of Jordan and its tourism resources. It assesses the requirements of the tourism industry development. It analyzes international tourism (incoming "inbound") to Jordan and its markets. It identifies the main objectives of tourists in visiting Jordan, and also includes the study of the most important types of Jordanian tourism, traditional and non-conventional types. This focuses on medical tourism, environmental and educational activities, historical and archaeological sites that constitute the basis of future tourism development in Jordan. It analyzes the positive effects of tourism on the Jordanian economy and estimates the relative importance of tourism income in the trade balance, the GDP and labor force. In addition, it studies the cons of un-well planned tourism development, especially the problem of seasonality. The course studies domestic tourism and the problems facing its development and how Jordanian tourism policy could overcome them. The course explores successful strategies to ensure competitiveness in the sector compared to other countries, such as Egypt, Lebanon and Syria.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This module discusses the computer software applied to the activities of tourism and hospitality. These applications include programs of booking in tourism offices and travel enterprises, and other software used in the organization of work within restaurants, hotels and transport companies. It includes many programs used in different parts such as maintenance, human resources, accounting, financial and storage services and engineering.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This module explains the concept of international tourism, their development, and the positive and negative factors resulting from this development. It reviews the regions of international tourism by referring to the experience of each region, such as the European Region, the Region of East Asia, South East Asia, the Americas, Africa and the Arab World. It then demonstrates the importance of international tourism as a source of foreign currency and employment of the labor force. It covers the role of international tourism in improving and protecting the environment.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This course includes materials relating to the archaeological sites dating back to the different historical periods. It sheds light on a large number of important religious and archaeological sites of tourist attractions in Jordan, such as Petra, capital of the Nabataeans, as well as the Decapolis, including Jerash, Umm Qais and other Roman cities. The study includes a number of Byzantine sites, Umayyad palaces and Mamluk castles. The course also includes field visits to a number of important religious sites of Islamic and Christian traditions, such as the shrines of the Prophet's companions and other martyrs, and sites sacred to the Christian communities, such as Mount Nebo and the Baptism Site.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This course covers the importance of tourism based on the climate and the environment attracting international and domestic tourists. It explains the importance of desert, forest, water, wildlife, and marine tourism. It reviews the importance of eco-tourism in Jordan and its types and components in tourist areas, such as Wadi Rum, the Gulf of Aqaba, the Dead Sea, Dana, and others. It explains the concept of sustainable tourism and its goals for each type of tourism. Also, it covers various methods for maintaining the gains of tourism in tourist destinations locally and globally. It focuses on the importance of preservation of the environment as an essential input for sustainable tourism.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This module contains a study of the geographical maps of tourist attraction in the world with a focus on the tourist map of Jordan. It identifies the geographical areas of tourism. It covers the geographical factors affecting tourism activities, such as the terrain, climate and others.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This module deals with the definition of the tourism marketing processes and concepts. It covers the characteristics of tourism marketing and explains the importance of analyzing the market environment to understand the marketing mix of tourism which indicates the components of the tourism product, i.e., natural and human ingredients. It studies the behavior of the tourist as a consumer and business purchasing power (B 2 C, B 2 B, B 2 G). It covers the concept of e-marketing in tourism and marketing of small tourism projects. It reviews the concept of Relationship Marketing (RM) strategy and its applications in tourism. The course also includes a study of the concept of tourism promotion, its tools for promotion of tourism programs, and its importance in the marketing process. It analyzes the various mechanisms adopted to enter the international tourism markets.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This module summarizes and reviews patterns of tourist services and their importance, characteristics and evolution. It focuses on the patterns of modern tourism and the role of globalization and its impact on the incoming tourist movements. It also deals with the future trends in e-tourism services.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This course examines the concept of economics of tourism and hotels. It analyzes the information regarding tourism/hotel income and expenditure and examines various factors affecting the size of tourism/hotel enterprises. It analyzes the historical evolution of the tourism system for the period from 1950 until the present time and covers distribution tourism economies regionally and globally. It also focuses on the impact of tourism/hotel revenues on the gross domestic product GDP, the income balance of tourism and its importance relative to the trade balance, and the ability of tourism and hotel sectors to employ large numbers of the workforce. It explains the concept of the multiplier effect of tourism, and tourism impacts on natural and human environment in both its positive and negative effects as it focuses on the new dimensions in the feasibility studies, such as social and cultural feasibility as related to the economy.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This course deals with the importance of ethical practices in the institutions of tourism and hospitality through the study of Jordan's heritage and the Arab World traditions, customs and values of hospitality and accommodation. It shows how ethical practices in all the constituent parts of hospitality and tourism enterprises can create loyalty of customers and yield a big size of profit for both tourism & hotel. It also reveals how the modern ethical practices in human resources, the relationship between technology and ethics, and ethical review of some of the programs adopted in many institutions of modern tourism can improve the competitiveness of the sector.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This module explains the importance of tourism offices and travel agencies in the tourist activity as a mediator between tourism activities and the tourist where they play many of the roles in the process of ticketing and organizing tours. It shows their role in promoting and marketing of tourism/hotel through introducing knowledge to tourists and tour operators. It deals with the importance of the administrative dimension in planning, organization, direction, marketing and control of the work of the tourist offices.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This course discusses the work of international airlines and the general management in these companies. It discusses all kinds of alliances, whether with other companies or in the field of marketing, finance, maintenance, computer booking systems, support services, business networks and the Internet. It also discusses other topics, such as time management and services, food and beverage on board, etc. Also, it covers important functions such as planning, organizing trips, accounting controls, and security in airline services
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This module introduces the importance of tourism planning: how to design a plan for tourism regions and how to review the elements of tourism planning. It helps students in deciding the levels of tourism planning: spatial, temporal and stage. It analyzes the constraints of human and natural resources planning and the relationship between planning and development of tourism services, such as hotels, resorts, roads, transport, architectural designs, etc. It explains these constraints and their relationship to the local environment, as well as reviews advanced models in the planning of tourism locally, regionally and globally.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This course aims at developing the students' English skills as related to tourism activities. It covers various types and styles of English communication with tourists on sites and guests in hotels in English terms and expressions appropriate to their needs at various times.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This course concentrates on learning the various types and styles of tourism correspondence between travel agencies, or between travel agencies and tourists, or between hotels and tourists, or between any institution and individual related to tourism. It focuses on the writing skills of the various formats needed for such correspondence.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This module introduces the use and development of IT tourism programs in reservation, pricing, planning, and information used by travel agencies and airline services.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This module advances the use and development of IT tourism programs by introducing the latest state-of-the-art IT programs in the tourism industry, such as Amadeus.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This course includes the definition of tourism guidance, its values and importance, and the guide's role in communicating accurate information about a destination and demonstrating the most hospitable treatment so as to initiate a long-term interest in a site and the hosting country. It also includes the basic qualities and qualifications of guides, their types, and the methods of acquiring basic skills of leadership of groups interested in historical, religious, or environmental sites, or those with special needs and interests. Moreover, it includes also the guide's rights and duties as well as the tourist group's rights and duties. The course also outlines the possible problems and barriers faced by guides as well as the methods of overcoming them. In addition, the course highlights the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication and public relations skills in managing dialogue and interaction between groups and guides. So, field-training is emphasized through joining tourist trips with professional guides so as to observe and participate in the guidance processes.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
This course introduces the concept and importance of tourist villages, resorts, and preserves, including their social, cultural, and economic impacts. Besides, it outlines the modern methods of planning and managing such establishments with consideration of local environment and the integrity of tourism services (accommodation, food and beverage, transportation, entertainment) with focus on studying all related organizational elements and forms, such as human resources, marketing, and finance.
Tourism Management1.Bachelor
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